First Windows 7 machine on network shows "My Documents" folder in network user drives instead of username
Windows 2003 domain, all XP machines. In each user profile we have the Profile Path set to \\plutofile\users\mary2\profile and Home Folder set to\\plutofile\users\marys, depending on their username obviously. So when you look at the root or our U: drive you will see a folder for each individual user labeled marys, bobt, susanr, etc. All is good. So the problem appears after we set up the first two Win 7 Enterprise machines on the network and logged in as two different users. The two folders of the usernames we logged in as (bobt and maryq) are gone. Now looking through Windows Explorer in Win 7, along with all the remaining folders for marys, susanr, there are now two folders both called "My Documents". Looking at the contents, we see that one is what used to be bobt and the other maryq. If you look at the root of U: through XP Windows Explorer you still see the two folders bob1 and maryq, but they have a different icon (folder with paper in it) as opposed to all the other folders icon that is just a folder. Why is it changing the name of their user folder to My Documents and how to stop that? Having 80 My Document folders will not be very user friendly. Many thanks
November 8th, 2010 10:18am

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November 8th, 2010 4:23pm

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